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About Me

Best T-shirt Store in the local area

New Era Design And Print is a t-shirt store that specialises in the sale of unique T-shirts made with the finest materials. Regardless of your taste or style, we've got just the right one to meet your needs. We are situated in the local area, and you can pick from our wide stock of tees – we’re sure you’ll find one that will spice up your wardrobe while still fitting your personality. If you have any questions pay our store a visit or message us on our message form.

Unlimited Choice

Our shirts do not only suit you, but they also offer the perfect fit. Most of our T-shirts come in a wide range of sizes allowing you to pick the one that fits you best without incurring additional tailoring charges. We pride ourselves on having a top-notch customer support service, and our staff is available to assist you in choosing just that perfect T-shirt that you need. Additionally, our products are well-priced, and you are guaranteed to get good value for your money.

Quality Tees

Our T-shirts are of high quality and are available in several beautiful prints and designs. So, whether you like patterned or plain, we can get you the exact one you need. If you need a custom-designed T-shirt, we can assist in getting it printed for you. Whether you're looking for a one-off or a bunch to kit out your family or co-workers, we are here to help. Why not stop by and see what we have to offer?


Accepts cards
Free consulting
By appointment only

Price List

Screen Printing

Embroidery Team Uniforms


Business Cards

Graphic Design

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